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Rails workflow

Small and flexible engine to build business processes in Rails applications.

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Add to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rails_workflow', '0.3.1'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Add to your config/application.rb

require 'rails_workflow'

and mount it to /workflow routes:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  mount RailsWorkflow::Engine => '/workflow', as: 'workflow'

Generate all models:

$ rails generate rails_workflow:install
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate

Please check that your gemfile contains 'bootstrap-rails-engine', 'devise', 'will_paginate', 'sidekiq', 'slim-rails', 'inherited_resources', 'jquery-rails', 'jquery-ui-rails', 'draper'. Later I will remove some of that dependencies. I will provide installation tutorial shortly.